Peanut butter (or peanut cream) is produced from roasted and ground peanuts,
along with oils and other ingredients that add flavor and texture. While it's widely consumed in the United States, its sugar-free and preservative-free version has become popular among Brazilians as an alternative to satisfy cravings for sweets. Many people are often hesitant to consume it due to its high caloric content, but peanut butter contains healthy fats for the body.
In addition to minerals such as magnesium, iron, and zinc, it also contains antioxidants, B vitamins, vitamin E, and protein. A tablespoon (30 g) contains approximately 163 kcal. It is a balanced source of energy that provides carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. Its consumption aids those who exercise and want to lose weight, as well as helps prevent diseases. Here are the details:
1. Ideal for Exercise Enthusiasts:
Typically, bodybuilders seek two main properties in food: proteins and calories, which allow for muscle hypertrophy (increase in muscle mass). Peanut butter is rich in proteins and is also considered a natural high-calorie food. Because it is rich in potassium and magnesium, it promotes muscle contractions, prevents cramps, reduces the risk of injuries, and muscle fatigue.
2. Ideal for Exercise Enthusiasts:
Typically, bodybuilders seek two main properties in food: proteins and calories, which allow for muscle hypertrophy (increase in muscle mass). Peanut butter is rich in proteins and is also considered a natural high-calorie food. Because it is rich in potassium and magnesium, it promotes muscle contractions, prevents cramps, reduces the risk of injuries, and muscle fatigue.
3. Strengthens the Immune System:
Peanut butter is also a great ally of immunity. This is due to its richness in vitamin E and antioxidants. Vitamin E is important for strengthening white blood cells (which defend the body), while B6 acts on strengthening red blood cells (which transport oxygen). Antioxidants, in turn, combat free radicals — which influence skin aging and disease development.
4. Reduces Diabetes Risk:
Consuming two to three tablespoons of peanut butter four to five times a week reduces the risk of developing diabetes by 30%. This was proven by research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. This is because the food is a source of omega-9 and fibers. Therefore, along with a balanced diet, it helps prevent type 2 diabetes.
5. Helps in Weight Loss:
Despite being high in calories, peanut butter is composed of oleic acid, a type of monounsaturated fat also found in large quantities in olive oil, which helps burn localized fat. The good news is that consuming the food can reduce weight, as it helps with satiety.
6. Protects Against Alzheimer's:
Regular consumption of the food helps protect the brain against Alzheimer's disease and memory impairment. This is affirmed by a study that showed that foods with niacin reduce the probability of the disease by 70%. Peanuts are one of the foods richest in niacin — about 10 mg in every 100 g.
7. Prevents Heart Diseases:
Peanut butter contains a monounsaturated fatty acid known as "good fat." Therefore, it helps control the body's bad cholesterol, which can block veins, and contains polyunsaturated fats, which help reduce triglyceride levels. Additionally, its composition includes substances such as phytosterols, coumaric acid, and resveratrol, antioxidants that, together with vitamin E, help prevent heart diseases.
How and How Much to Consume?
Because it is quite caloric, the recommendation is to consume up to two tablespoons a day, along with a balanced diet. It is a very versatile food that can be added to various recipes, as well as consumed with bread for breakfast. When preparing a peanut butter sandwich, opt for whole grain bread. Use peanut butter with snacks as well. Choose fruits like bananas or apples, as well as toast. If you want to vary, you can use peanut butter in cake fillings, salads, smoothies, in savory recipes with vegetables, rice, or chicken, and also in tapioca, with yogurts, and porridges.